Role of Nonviolent Communication in Strengthening Familyties in the Digital Age


  • Kundu, Vedabhyas Programme Officer, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti


nonviolent communication, family communication, digital age, human interdependence


We are living in a hyper technological age where there is deep penetration of technology in every aspect of our lives. This increasing proliferation of technology in the household which now includes Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse, the race towards crass materialism propelled by a consumerist culture is leading to increased individualism and a slow death of  mpathetic relationships. Relationships amongst family members are becoming frozen, dysfunctional and in many cases there is no communication at all. In this backdrop efforts need to be made to reclaim family values and encouragement of heart-to-heart communication amongst family members. This chapter, based on unstructured intergenerational interactions with individuals from different families will focus on the necessity of nurturing nonviolent communication and human interdependence literacy amongst family members to ensure a healthy communication ecosystem. It will explore how these principles promotes an
environment of love, feeling of connectedness and healthy relationships in the family leading to a nonviolent family communication framework.

Author Biography

Kundu, Vedabhyas, Programme Officer, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti

Programme Officer, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti


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How to Cite

Kundu, V. (2024). Role of Nonviolent Communication in Strengthening Familyties in the Digital Age. Vidyapith (વિદ્યાપીઠ), 61(1-4), 37–48. Retrieved from



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