Selected Folios from Haribhakti Banking Firm of Baroda at Haribhakti Centre for Historical Research and Studies [HCHRS] : Socio-Economic Study in Pre-Independence Times in Gujarat
Folios, HCHRS, Haribhakti Collection-HBC, Ishwar Haribhakti Collection-IHC, Pedhi, Banking FirmAbstract
Survey of western Indian business history literature and related regional manuscript collections in Ahmedabad, Surat, Navsari, mreli & Vadodara (Gujarat) reveals several wizards who brought opulence through trade and philanthropy, extended support in anagement of governance, and maintained market mobility in the pre-independence period. The Haribhaktis of Vadodara under study are recorded as the premier banking firm [pedhi] during the time of Gaekwad rulers of Baroda along with near ontemporaries. The objective of this paper is to attempt to understand the mechanism through which the chronology of events related to Haribhakti family and pedhi is understood from the collections identified and preserved; and exploring research erspectives within the socio-economic context in pre-independence times in Gujarat. Private and Pedhi collection has miscellaneous papers, photographs and paintings which sheds light on related matters and unveil lesser known incidents contributing to total history perspective (School of Annales).
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